Jean Johnson

 Jean Johnson 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jean Johnson are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Hellfire (THEIRS NOT TO REASON WHY), Finding Destiny, The Blockade, Gods of the Flame Sea, Dawn of the Flame Sea, How to Date a Superhero, The Temple, The Terrans, The Sword, The Tower, The Grove (Guardians of Destiny), First Salik War 2: The V'Dan, Sons of Destiny Prequel Series 003 - The Shifter, Theirs Not to Reason Why 4: Hardship, Birthright, The Wolf, Shifting Plains, Theirs Not To Reason Why: A Soldier's Duty, The Guild, Demons of the Flame Sea, Bedtime Stories: A Collection of Erotic Fairy Tales, which was published in 2022.